Monday, October 21, 2013

Draft Paper #2

Organizing principals are used to contextualize and understand experiences. The products of an organizing principal include, but are not limited to, our perception of character traits, passions and emotions. The products of an organizing principal can not be used to undermine it because they are dependent and inextricable from the organizing principal; often they functioning to validate it because the experiences are organizing according to the same ideas and thus agree thematically across perceptions. However, the foundations of an organizing principal are ideas. In Charlotte Lennox’s novel, The Female Quixote, Arabella uses ideas from antique romance novels as the foundation for her organizing principals. The doctor’s “cure” is successful because it acknowledges the products of Arabella’s organizing principals as existing separately and functioning differently in her from the organizing principal and ideas which are its foundations. The doctor identifies Arabella’s organizing principal as existing separately from her by personifying it as a subject capable of actions and feelings. The doctor acknowledges a difference between the functions of the products and foundation of her organizing principal because he engages them differently; validating and avoiding challenging the products, carefully monitoring her emotions to retract or redirect the intentions of his words when she perceives these to be in question, while still framing the debate to challenging the foundation, her ideas.

1. Attempts first to understand and validate Arabella's emotions
2. Specifically addresses Arabella's as having "Imaginings"
3. Does not proceeds to engage in challenging her when
     -intrinsic values of morality (virtue, judgement) become subject of question (374)
     -passions or desire become subject of question (370)
4. Backtracks/Retracts/becomes submissive
     -when she perceives judgement of her passions
     -when she perceives judgement of her
5. Specifically frames question to address causal relation between actions or "reason".
6. Contrast with Mr. Glansville: eventually commits to organizing principal because unable to separate emotions from causal relation between actions
7. Contrast with Mrs. Glansville: doesn't succumb to organizing principal but unwilling to mindfully navigate Arabella's emotions to refocus questions on causal relation between actions.

Conclusion: Passions/emotions/morality function in a realm separate from reason, though they are effected by it and thought/ideas can be manipulated separately.

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