Monday, November 4, 2013

Wollstonecraft & Montagu

Not even Youth and Beauty can controul
The universal Rancour of thy Soul;
Charms that might soften Superstition's Rage,
Might humble Pride, or thaw the Ice of Age.
-pg. 190 Verses Address'd to the Imitator of Horace

Besides, the reading of novels makes women, and particularly ladies of fashion, very fond of using strong expressions and superlatives in conversation; and, through the dissipated artificial life which they lead prevents their cherishing of any strong legitimate passion, the language of passion in affected tones slips forever from their glib tongues, and every trifle produces those phosphoric bursts which only mimic in the dark the flame of passion.
-pg 275 A Vintication of the Rights of Woman

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